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Restaurant OdorsNov 22, 2007

There is a rental building with a chinese restaurant whose kitchen door faces the rear units in our co-op. For many years we have been calling the restaurant owner and the managing agent complaining of chronic--we're talking 7 days a week cooking smells that permeate our rear units all the way up to the roof. The guy that owns the restaurant uses his back kitchen door to vent the 12 hour a day stench, shareholders call him, he says he closed it-for 5 minutes, then opens it again. City inspectors are useless--one comes over and says he has a cold and can't smell anythng! Any suggestions how your building may have solved a similar problem short of legal action? Would a formal letter from our Board or managing agent to the managing agent of this building faciliate any resolution?

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restaurant smell - Anonymous Nov 23, 2007

In addition to looking at the apartment, 2 other things a buyer should look for is a restaurant and a bus stop.

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Odors - Bob Nov 23, 2007

Anon (no anons) please.I think the person is looking for a solution here?


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Reeks - Smell ya later Nov 23, 2007

If you have a managing agent, talk to him/her, because property managers tend to have a lot of experience to draw upon. If those solutions don't work, try your lawyer -- I'm NOT suggesting legal action. That's a last resort. But your lawyer may have a good suggestion. He/she may even be able to point to a law the restaurant is violating, and help you write a letter from the board (not from the lawyer) pointing this out. Then, if there's no action, send a letter to the city and cc the restaurant. That's my top-of-the-head advice.

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311 - Pgrech Nov 26, 2007

It is up to you. If you believe that you have made all the good faith attempts to solve this issue without success, then call 311. Not sure if it is a DoB, DoH or DEP issue but i am sure 311 operator will direct you call to the approperate agency.

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