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Re: 2005 financialsApr 19, 2007

thank you both for your thoughts, BUT yes that is one of the problems, we have not had a shareholder meeting in the whole year I have owned (14 months now), and obviously for sometime before then, considering the last financials anyone has for the building is 2004
and yes potential buyers into the building having to wait 2 months for 2005's financials that are already over a year late does make them and ME wonder what is wrong with the financial condition of the building.( if they are not among the 2 that voided their purchase contract's)
On top of the fact that we were just handed a 10% maintenance increase to meet our budget (the boiler and a steam pipe burst this winter) ALTHOUGH, they wasted our reserve money this past Fall to totally redo our backyard (very ill-advisedly, and with out, as we now see, the assistance of a much needed design professional) that only a few children utilize. depleting our reserve to not be ready for these emergency's we have encountered, now resulting in a maintenance increase.
on top of the fact that our building is badly maintained
Porter and Super half of the time MIA
I apologize for using this forum just to complain at this point, but I am extremely frustrated with my new "home"

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No annual meeting - steve w Apr 19, 2007

No annual meeting in 14 months? That's a sign that there is something wrong -- maybe no more serious than inexperienced board members. But it is violation of your by-laws (right? be sure to check them) and, therefore, in violation of New York State corporation law. Did you check the attorney general's site I posted earlier? Please do.

It sounds as though your co-op needs some serious fixes, but you're taking the first steps now to make those fixes. Talk to the other shareholders, find out how they feel, find out who you would like to serve on the board with, and then fan out to campaign.

When the others ask, "When's the election?" and you say "At the annual meeting," you'll get to explain the current board's mismanagement. It shouldn't be tough to coalesce support for a new board.

Good luck.

Steve W

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