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Following the trail..Nov 09, 2007


Many treasurers and Boards unfortunately do not take the time to thoroughly review and classify, etc. They just go by what management says, read and take the reports as provided, and pop a question here and there when something looks odd. What your asking for is good and in many buildings is needed. You do have the right and ability to customize the reports to fit your needs and requirements.

Who’s GL coding system is management going by? Yours or theirs? Perhaps sitting with the accounting department and PM for an hour will solve it. Make a list of your current coding and desired coding. Have management implement the new codes or sub-codes and have the agent when signing off label it - such as capital/hallway project/engineering or repair/reimbursable/apt7B - etc...
It makes it very easy for you to glean over the list and trace or see exactly what expenses come from where and are allocated to where. The only follow up on your part may be asking if 7B ever reimbursed us for that sink trap repair.

Then, in your monthly reports, have management separate anything that is capital from the operating expenses and emergency repairs from maintenance repairs and itemize what needs to be for the purposes of your next budget.

This is a pain in the a$$ for management, but much better and easier to read and forecast from. We do it for 2 of our buildings and they like it very much.
But providing access to the system would be a definite no-no for us or any other management company (We only provide it to the PM's, the accountant firm and L&T attorneys)
Did I adaquately address/answer your concern?

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reports/accounts - Anne Nov 09, 2007

Thanks. That's helpful.

They are using their own GL accounts which do not match well to the accountant's GL accounts and which do not segregate capital from regular expenses. And, they have a tendency to open up new accounts for very small amounts, like $15, while putting large, $11,000, 'one off' expenses in regular accounts--so all is rather confusing.

I had already requested on the next round of reports that they 'code' the invoice copies so I can see where the expenses went, and was thinking I just need to go down there and talk it through so we can agree on some basic principles of where things go and what amounts (large ones!) justify a new account or separation from regular accounts.

What's the 'pain' for management? The coding of invoices or the segregation of capital expenses? I'm not trying to be unreasonable, just trying to get a handle on what's happening and where the money's going so we can budget and plan.

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Re: reports/accounts - AR Nov 09, 2007


You should definitely spend some time at the management office, relay exactly what you wish to happen and why. They will be able to do it (but may gripe a little). If a new type of expenditure comes up (which should not because you would have worked all that out with them), then they should call you to say "what do you want me to do with the $2,000 Goldfingers bill.."
The software ledger will need to be modified by management and the new system implemented. this may take a month or two to get the kinks out, but it should work out in the long term.
I may have exaggerated in that it is a pain, it is more of an inconvenience, but they will get over it...


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