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Con Ed Green TeamApr 13, 2011

We often dismiss online advertisement, yet I would like to acknowledge the real benefits of working with Con Edison and their "Green Team." The rebate and incentive programs that Con Edison has developed for the multifamily sector are significant and worth looking at. The reality is that most of us tend to discard anything from a utility that seems positive, mainly out of skepticism...yet Con Edison, National Grid and LIPA HAVE to generate these incentive based programs by law and they are pretty incredible.

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Con Ed. Green Team - Eric Michaels Apr 13, 2011

Did You Know: Con Edison, through the Multifamily Energy Efficiency Program (MFEEP)is offering to cover 70% of the project cost, up to $20,000.00 for the installation of an Energy Management System (EMS).

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RE: Con Ed. Green Team - DavidG Apr 13, 2011

Can you confirm the details of the program? This seems like a great oppertunity, but would like to understand the process and limitations. Whats your contact info?


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ConEd's Credibility - Steve-Inwood Apr 13, 2011

My 111 unit Co-op has applied to be in ConEd’s interruptible natural gas program for two years in a row, was accepted and yet when the bills come, the rate is not changed. This is without any explanation from ConEd and the PSC seems unable to assist. The interruptible natural gas program is a program whereby when it gets cold, we stop using natural gas and use #2 fuel oil instead (requires a dual fuel boiler). In turn for doing so, we should have received a slightly lower price for natural gas.

ConEd’s credibility issue are of its own making. I am frankly tired of wasting any more mental energy on any ideas coming from them. I simply do not think that they will uphold their portion of the program.

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Duel Fuel - Eric Michaels Apr 19, 2011

Are you still purchasing your gas from Con Edison or have you found a marketer to do business with? Also, has your bill been reviewed by a 3rd party.

Call or email me: 631-796-9287 or

Before you contact me if it makes you more comfortable look up my company: Platinum Energy Group aka SNS Energy and/or call NYSERDA, National Grid, Con Edison, the Public Service Commission, and the DOB. Verify we are who I say we are then contact me. Your gas bill needs to be reviewed and rate verified. If the current rate is incorrect Con Edison, via the PSC is required by law to go back at least 36 months...and refund the overcharges. Seems like it wouldnt be possible, yet I am telling you that no utility wants to mess with the PSC.

Also, Con Ed. sponsors numerous energy efficiency programs, yet the programs are only as reliable as the actual implementation contractors. Their Small Business Direct Install Electric Program is fantastic because a company called WILLDAN is managing it, the same with their MFEEP program...terrific because AEA is managing it.

I talked enough...need to breath.

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Green Team/MCREP - Eric Michaels Apr 29, 2011

As of this afternoon NYSERDA has received less than 65 applications for their 6.5 million dollar Carbon Reduction Emissions Program. They are offering incentives up to $175,000.00 or 80% of the project cost for those multifamily buildings who currently use #6 heating fuel who want to convert to either natural gas or #2 heating fuel. The incentives are based on the reduction of emissions thus switching to gas will land you the greatest incentive...if you meet the additional requirements. It is a great program and one worth looking at.

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NYSERDA #6 Conversion Program - Eric Michaels Apr 29, 2011

A standard gas conversion project, NOT including any fees associated with bringing gas to the building usually range between 35,000 and 55,000. This includes the distribution of gas from point of entry in a building to the boiler & conversion from #6 burning to #2 heating oil burning capacity. NYSERDA's program will cover up to 80% of the project cost...including if necessary any fees associated with getting gas to the building.

Please email or call me if you have any questions. I can provide you with references and numbers at NYSERDA, Con Edison and National Grid where you can call to verify both my claims about the incentive program and verify our incredible track record across the board in all 5 NYC Boroughs.

Have a great weekend

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