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proposed legislationJul 16, 2010

I live in North Shore Towers a co op community with a budget of 43 million dollars that is run, not by the board, but by the management company. General manager tells board members what to do, not vice versa. Members probably want the title, but not the responsibility. We waste hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees because there is no government agency to help us. After casting 5 million shares in an election, I lost by 806. The board refused to do a recount and told me I had to go to court, which I did. My attorney charged $5,000 the board paid between $50,000 and $80,000.Our own attorney on retainer, Errol Brett didn't handle the case which occurs most of the time when we have litigation. No one can get an accurate accounting. Ultimately,the courts cleared the way to the ballots for a recount. What a waste of money. Mr. Brett was recently asked what the policy was to enforce a bylaw and we were told there is no policy. So now we have bylaws but no means of enforcement. I could go on and on with the nonsense that constantly goes unchecked here. We would gladly pay $6.00 each to help create a responsive governmental agency which would understand our communities and help us. Please support these bills immediately with letter writing campaigns and phone calls. Dianne Stromfeld

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Proposed Legislation - Larry Jul 19, 2010

Good idea - suggest everyone write their representatives.

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proposed legislation - dianne stromfeld Jul 19, 2010

Great idea. If each of us could get 10 neighbors who in turn got 10 neighbors, etc. t0 contact all our elected officials as well as candidates, expecially those in a primary, we could put pressure on them to pass this bill. Also,send mail to Mike Kelly New York State Association of REALTORS®, Inc.
130 Washington Ave
Albany, NY 12210
Office: 518.463.0300 ext. 216
Fax: 518.462.5474

The power of the people often can make necessary changes. for right now, let us all stop writing letters to each other and write to those who can help us make our lives tolerable. Let us fill this column with examples of success or failure we have had with p;oliticians. Perhpas together we can really get this going.

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