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There is no listing of, or contact information for, all residents of my small condo (only for the owners). The Board and management company assume owners will relay relevant information to their roommates/subletters. At most, those who sublet their apartments provide the names of their subletters (without phone numbers or email addresses) to the owners. This is an issue when information needs to be disseminated quickly, e.g., gas leaks, or security incidents such as suspicious people entering the building when residents buzz in strangers. At the least, I want board members/ the management company to be able to relay information to all residents in emergency situations rather than relying on owners (who may live far away in different time zones) to contact residents in a timely manner. Any suggestions?
Join the Conversation Comments (2)I see your point about Boards needing to be very careful in what they, and/or the management company communicate to non-owners, but I''m also encouraged that some condos do have a listing of all residents. Regarding letting strangers into the building, my point was that it may have been a subletter who let the suspicious person into our building. There seems to be quite a knowledge gap between the owners and the subletters.
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Form a commitee and do some type of meet and greet and introduce yourselves but to control who comes in and out of the building?
Get a doorman would be the next best option and cameras.
You could say that its in the corporations best interest to know who resides in the building but this question should be put infront of a lawyer.
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I totally agree that management and the Board have contact information on ALL RESIDENTS in the building. We (187 units) have just circulated a contact information form for all residents, to include sublets. We just had a gas leak and was not able to reach all persons in that line of apts. Thankfully no one was injured, but moving forward this should be the norm. No sense in coulda, should, woulda, after something happens when it possibly could have been prevented by a contact list.
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Unit owners are not entitled to know who lives at a condo in a nutshell. It is a privacy matter. The boards duty is to protect the financial interest of the corperation. I would assume the property manager and board do send out broadcast regarding issues such as the ones you have listed. Many boards do have the sublets contact information. But even then, any official communication from the board can come back to haunt them.
It is your job to lock your door at night. Not the boards. If a unit owner leaves their door unlocked they only have themselves to blame.
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