New York's Cooperative and Condominium Community
We have a small building, and many owners do not come to the annual meeting (we tend to barely make quorum). I think part of the problem is that the notice is quite boring: Roll Call; Financial Statement Review; Status of Capital Projects; Review of Expenditures; Q and A
I'd like to include items such as "Noise complaints" and "Issues with Surrounding Neighborhood." There are some safety issues in our neighborhood that I think everyone should be aware of. And I think a more detailed notice would draw in more attendees.
Any suggestions are welcome.
We experience the same thing in my building. Each year, when I know the meeting is coming up, I encourage every S/H I run into to attend, etc. I tell them it's important for their investment and that its the place for them to ask questions and express concerns. If you have new people running for the Board (we always do... lots of turnover), I might encourage them to reach out in person—even door-to-door—to introduce themselves and ask them to attend. If they cannot, I make sure they have a proxy. I believe proxies go towards a quorum, but I'm not sure. Anyway, good luck!
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There are two sure-fire ways I know to increase attendance at the annual shareholders' meeting:
1) Rent out a function room at a local restaurant or hotel and provide food before or after the meeting. After is better because it guarantees people won't leave after they're fed and the meeting will go very quickly.
2) Make a substantial yet plausible maintenance increase an item on the agenda. Nothing brings shareholders to a meeting better than having a higher maintenance obligation.
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Its customary for the board or managing agent to give notice of the annual meeting and for shareholders to submit questions, comments and concerns.
You can also request to meet with the board about issues.
If your problem is regarding noise, check the rules & regulations if units have to be XX% carpeted.
The neighborhood is a city matter not the board or condo/coops. The annual board meeting should stay within the bounds of the by-laws.
But its worth making suggestions on making improvements like a new intercom system or lobby doors.
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