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NYC treesMay 10, 2008

We have several trees near the curb in front of our coop. I know trees are city property but they're on sidewalk area on our land. We're responsible for sidewalk repair within the limits of our building property so I assume the sidewalk is "ours."

Can residents plant flowers around the trees without asking us, or at least telling us what they plan to do? Do they need coop permission to plant -and/or do they need city permission?

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nyc trees - Joseph Shkreli May 12, 2008

I am a Superintendent/Resident Manager of a Co-Op. Usually, the resident will request the supers direction, in which the super will bring it up wit the manager or board of directors and they will give direction on how to proceed. At my building we have a maintenance/grounds committee. All issues are brought to me and if i feel that the board needs to be involved i will include them in the processes. But usually with landscaping/gardening I take all the inquiries into consideration and I usually try to make everyone happy.

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NYC Trees article - flovece May 19, 2008

There's an article on the subject in the March 2007 Habitat, if that's of any help.

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