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Lido Towers COMPLETED (?) their renovations to the tune of ALMOST $30 MILLION - how much was spent on handicapped accessibility - MAYBE $100 if that. There are flimsy ramp like things in all the door ways so yes if you can manuver a wheelchair and open the door YES YOU CAN NOW GET IN. They spent an untold amount of money returning the building to its original Pink color (it was formally known as "The Pink Lady").

One of the MOST INSANE THINGS they did was REPLACE ALL THE CONCRETE WALK-WAYS WTIH BRICK PAVERS - has anyone ever tried to walk on pavers with a walker or navigate a wheelchair it is lots of fun (not) when you have SERIOUSLY BALANCE PROBLEMS. The AUTOMATIC DOOR I wrote about previously? THEY DID INSTALL IT AT THIER EXPENSE. They istalled it on the MAIN ENTRANCE DOOR - the ONLY PROBLEM is that once inside the automatic doors if you have MOBILITY PROBLEMS - YOU ARE NOT GOING ANYWHERE because just inside the doors is a HUGE FLIGHT OF STAIRS - NO OTHER WAY INTO THE BUILDING FROM THAT ENTRANCE EXCEPT UP THE STAIRS.

When my mom moved in there was 1 dog here. Lido let her keep the dog when they became a "no pets" building but in order to bring the dog to & from her condo she had to transport it in a doggie stroller (no joke). When I moved in this woman was here and 1 other dog owner that I know of. SINCE I MOVED IN 2 YEARS AGO THE DOG POPULATION HAS GROWN 10 FOLD. It seems every other unit has a dog. People that moved here believing this was a "NO PETS" building are UP IN ARMS. Now that Management IGNORED THE PROBLEM & let it get OUT OF CONTROL FOR 2 YEARS they are PUTTING THEIR FOOT DOWN. Dog owners MUST PAY $100 A YEAR to have their dog here, provide YEARLY PROOF of its SERVICE DOG STATUS, PROOF OF VACINATIONS, YADA, YADA YADA. There is only ONE FACT that Sharri Morse overlooked in her 2 page rant about this issue - ACCORDING TO THE LAW MY DOG IS NOT A PET. And BY LAW even if Sharri charges PET OWNERS $100 a year she CANNOT charge me as a Service Dog Owner.

BTW: My dog is the ONLY ONE I ever saw wearing a Service Dog Vest and I have been approached by at least 6 dog owners here asking "Where can I get one of those vests for my dog?" (Smell somethng fishy?)

Anyway, Nassau County Office of Physically Challanged and Federal Housing Complaints is INVESTIGATING - believe me this drama will continue.

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contact united spinal in queens - escapefromyonkers Feb 03, 2012

united spinal was eastern paralyzed veterans association. they know all the laws and ada requirement that new construction must have.They know exactly how long a ramp must be and the height of rails and the flat stop areas. probably know much better than anyone else, they have been around a long time.

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