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West. Cty ManagementJun 08, 2007

Is there a firm in West. Cty someone can recommend for property management other than garthchester, barhite, maxx or hudson north that is worth their fee

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Re: West. Cty Management - Ms VooDoo Jun 08, 2007

We use Stillman Management in Mamaroneck and are very happy.

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Management Companies - AdC Jun 08, 2007

What are their fees per unit and what do they give you v. expectations for the fee to know what to recommend? After all, 99% of their contracts are just boilerplate. I don't mean to sound insulting, but I found out that I cannot expect top shelf when I only pay for less than french fries. The other day, it was quoted $2.00 a day per unit. In doing my math, I thought I was only paying 1/3 of that, but as I mention to the board if the $2.00 a day gets what I put in, it's worth it all the way!


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Re: Management Companies - Anonymous Jun 08, 2007

Duly Noted. In trying to gauge cost vs. quality, one would need to know who to call and then determine if they are worth their salt (to put on those fries) I am tired of having to choose from the same old companies time and time again.

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Step up service - AdC Jun 08, 2007

Perhaps it's a matter of talking to the president or owner of the company and request to have a managing agent PT dedicated to your building and find out how much they charge for the service. Unless the person is there in your building to take care of requests and supervise workers, etc., the type of service you may get may be shared.

I think we are kicking in Westchester the same, old bucket but in many instances it boils down to costs and what you will be willing to pay for the service. IN fact, you mentioned Bartheit. Many people think they are wonderful.
Others think that Stillman is okay and others above the cut. So what makes the discrepancy of opinion???

I think what we think we want to eath and what we get for dinner must influence how well we perceive the eating experience.


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Re: Step up service - AR Jun 12, 2007

Excellent points AdC.
Unfortunately I do not know anyone in that area and we are not fully launched yet. However please note:

Ensure your expectations are crystal clear before you even shop. Know what you expect from the management company, then lay it out... "I want X Y Z... from you, can you provide this in the manner we need?" if so, have it put into the contract. you do not have to accept the boiler plate contract you are given. You may now pay a little more, but you are contracted to recieve what you want and need. Do interview the agent (there are other posts on that), because (in keeping with AdC's analagy), we can go even to the best resteraunt in town, pay top dollar, but if the service stinks, we dont go back. AGAIN.. make your expectations clear.


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westchester mgmt - Bob Jun 09, 2007

Sequoia Property in Mount Kisco

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West. Cty Management - Al from Dobbs Jun 09, 2007

WRG Management
420 Westchester Avenue
Port Chester, NY 10573
Tel: 914.939.9100
Contact Carol Benedict at or visit their Web site at

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Re: West. Cty Management - Ms VooDoo Jun 11, 2007

Didn't WRG merge with Stillman a few years ago?

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WRG is now Stillman - AdC Jun 11, 2007

WRG sold to Stillman approximately 6-1 year ago and they are no longer in Port Chester.


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Previous Homeowner - Dan Jul 10, 2007

I use to reside in a complex in Tarrytown until 2005, it was self managed when I left to move closer to family in California. They had several managers come and go over the past 30 years and finally they decided to hire the assistant manager as the property manager who worked with them for over 12 years. I tell you the place never looked better! Sales increased because the property was finally being managed the right way! As a homeowner who was the biggest complainer, I found myself making less calls and finally taking a deep breath that the property I am living in is finally being taken cared of. Well, the Board changed over the years and they hired a new homeowners association president who wanted to make changes she felt would matter. With a lot of hard work the President finally forced the manager out of a job doing all she can to get the board to rule in her favor. I now hear this board member served on other boards in Westchester and did the same thing and was finally forced to step down after other members saw what was going on. You can hire a contractor and check references, but when someone goes on the Board to monitor our investment, do they check out their background as well? I still keep in touch with some of my friends who informed me that the property is now being managed by a company and is going down hill. They have one placed their homes on the market. Some residents are getting together with the board to ask for this individual to step down. It goes to show you that the better your property is managed, the better it looks the better it sells. It only takes that one board member who looks out for their own interest not the residents. I do have to give it to the ones who take their jobs seriously they are the true volunteers who take their position on the board serious and it takes a lot of work and time. I applaud those members!

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