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annual meeting roberts rulesFeb 18, 2013

we are haveing our annual meeting this month. we are trying to install a new board. we are not happy with what the board has done this past year. we are suposed to vote and accept the actions of the board. we plan to table the vote till the election is over and if we get elected then we can see the financial records and then determan if we can vote to ok the past years decions of the board. can we do this?? one of the decions of the board caused a lawsuite to be filed with the human rights commission and a lawsuite against a shareholder who insisted the co-op fix the leaking roof that was inundating his apt. can we be forced to vote to accept the boards actions.?

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roberts rules - ellennora Feb 24, 2013

i am answring my own question as to roberts rules. the vote was taken to table the vote on the past decions of the board they sceamed bloody murder but it passed. the motion was carried to table/ now we have a new board and have a financial disaster on our hands. to clear up. pray or us. 99/% of all the shareholders refuse to pay an increase for our regular and past due bills.. i am going to write up a five year plan and produce it to the new board. maybe when they see the figures in black and white they can understand our financial situation.

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