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firearms -the right to bear arms Feb 19, 2013

Do any of your house-laws address the legal possession of firearms and if so, do you require that the management be made aware of any such items within the unit and how they are properly stored? I'm sure states vary with regard to laws, but can management require notification of what a shareholder possesses? In light of recent CT events, has anyone had any unusual experiences or discussions surrounding this? If a shareholder is in law enforcement, this would make sense that they obviously possess a weapon and that could come up in an admissions interview, but can a Board and management inquire or ask to be notified if someone has something stored in their unit?

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Guns 'n Co-ops - Steve Rosenstein Feb 20, 2013

PK, your timing is excellent. Last week I posed this set of questions to the attorneys who record Habitat Magazine's weekly podcast:

1. Can we ask about gun ownership or gun storage on our purchase application or at the admissions interview? If we can, what wording would you suggest?

2. What due diligence does a co-op need to do to reduce or eliminate liability in the event of a gun-related injury or death?

3. Can a co-op establish a policy regarding gun ownership and/or storage? If so, how should the policy be worded and in what document should it be placed?

4. Finally, are gun owners considered a "protected class", and can we reject a potential buyer based on gun ownership or storage?

I don't know when the questions will be answered or when the podcast be available online, but I suspect it won't be too long. If you're not on Habitat Magazine's mailing list to receive notification, I suggest you sign up.

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firearms -the right to bear arms - PK Feb 20, 2013

Hi Steve, and thank you for the heads-up on the podcast. I think everyone is afraid of the topic but we must know what our liability is and what our rights are. I'm glad you have posed these questions and will watch for the podcast as these are the exact questions I have.

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guns 'n' co-ops - Tsoter Mar 20, 2013

Does anyone have personal experience with this issue? (i.e. it came up at a board meeting or an annual meeting) If so, what happened?

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