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staff work - chargeback - anyone?Apr 17, 2007

We have an ongoing problem in our coop with tenants receiving reliable and equitable repairs. the super fixes repairs of board members and heavy-tippers quickly but ignores everyone else. he also does lots of proivate work on coop time. I am wondering who out there has a chargeback system for private jobs and who also might have a system for repairs where residents have to sign off on how satisfactory and timely the work was. it seems like we should institute something similat as it would help improve the situation. all advice and input needed . thanks

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Staff work/tipping(To Bia Al) - Fat Nickie Apr 17, 2007

May I suggest you tip the guys the next time. Let me know how this works out.

FN. (I may post a serious response later)

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The legacy system: Fairness in residential buildings - AdC Apr 17, 2007

Fairness of services is something that is instilled by way of policy from a board. First, a building staff, even if they provide service, are EMPLOYEES of the corporation. Consequently, HOW they should conduct BUSINESS to RESIDENTS is a matter of CO-OP OR CONDO policy. When people live in a RENTAL, the super does many things on his own because the owners are INVISIBLE. With Condo or COOPS the building staff become a main topic of discussion. This is WHY the postings with the lengthiest amount of response happen to be related to SUPERS and MANAGEMENT.

Therefore, it is hard to break a legacy that has been handed down over ages in building employees unless BOARDS understand their roles as employers and the need to CREATE policy on EXPECTED services. Obviously, this is like dealing with TARZAN in NEW YORK.

The way we have sort of broken this overt behavior also deals with what support we give the staff when people complain and WHY the board needs documentation. Obviously, many will find the some of the steps a bit too much, but it has worked 90-95%:

Part I:
1. Institute a multiple job order form. No resident shall receive service without a written form. The resident retains a copy for his/her records for reference. When the service is provided, the employee enters the nature of the problem attended, the day and time.

2. Check the problem forms on a weekly basis for the nature of the work and the turnaround.

3. If you have a computer keep track of your forms. It will help you find out record of repairs for the future.

Part II
Check your repair policy for apartments, i.e., do you demand the use of licensed plumbers and electricians to do work in the building and insured contractors for repairs? If you were to do so, you may be eliminating the use of the superintendent and handyman doing work for residents. Also, you will eliminate the headache of the multiple complaints that the super or handyman did substandard job or charged me too much, etc.

My motto is: if I use licensed plumbers and electricians to maintain the infrastructure of the building, why should I find substandard plumbing in local lines of residential aparments (e.g., no waste trap under a kitchen sink,code violation, and similar sins)? Let residents do the same to ensure a code-compliant system.

Part III

If you institute a tipping policy on what each resident is expected to receive from your personnel, e.g., heating element maintenance (if applicable), moving practices whatever they may be in your place, it may eliminate the confusion on some "forced" tipping that might be going on for basic services.

Let residents know that there are letters of commendation are always welcome as a way to find out how the staff is perfomring.

Part IV
Make sure you investigate any complaints regarding bad services and confront your staff with the complaint. Make such confrontation a positive feedback as a way to RETRAIN your staff.

I'm sure others will have other ideas.


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staff work (to Bia Al) - Fat Nickie Apr 17, 2007

Have you raised the question with the management company/board? I think the fairest way is to implement work request dockets/tickets. They are not too difficult to come by. It is a three part work order where the shareholder or doorman etc fill out the particular request.(logging date, time etc,) The super upon completion of the work, writes down what repairs etc he carried out, gives the shareholder, management, and himself one copy of the ticket. I have used a system like this in the past with great success.

This is a very simple,reliable, and inefficient way of tracking work done in your building.


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work orders/tickes - Pgrech Apr 18, 2007

Work orders/tickets maintenance forms can be purchases at a reasonable cost from Peachtree business Products 1800 241 423 to order or get catalog or
We used them they work for our needs. How ever this doesn't answer your main question, which I will a temp to answer soon.

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Re: staff work - chargeback - anyone? - Anonymous Apr 18, 2007

First of all, "taking care" of heavy tippers and board members is a human reaction. It happens in restaurants, hotels etc. I am not saying that it is acceptable, only that it is a human thing and is done all over. What is not acceptable is ignoring those that don't tip. If a resident is entitled to a service, then the super is compelled to provide that service as that is what he/she is paid to do.

Secondly doing private work on company time is theft of service. This is also not acceptable and should not be tolerated. Theft of service and ignoring those that don't tip only show the true character and integrity of a person (super or otherwise). So perhaps the real issue is you need a super while being human has the "right stuff."
To echo ADC, board needs to put policies in place to make sure that private work is to be allowed or not and place guidelines if it is. Without guidelines then you have a Dodge City.

Third the private job "chargeback system" creates a lot of paper work both for super and management. In some cases it works in many it is more of a pain then its worth. Some management companies may increase there management fee to provide this, as it is a lot of book keeping. Furthermore, most workers need to make extra money, and there is nothing wrong with it as long as honesty and integrity is observed. The private job thing is a way to make extra money and also a way for the owner to save money as well. When done right, it is a win win situation.

Forth and last issue, I have yet to see a work order form that has a section for satisfaction. In my buildings, every year or two I send out a survey of satisfaction form to be filled out by residents grading various performances of staff etc. This might work for your building as well.

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sorry -the above was my posting. (nm) - pgrech Apr 18, 2007

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