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thermostatFeb 04, 2011

We have several units w/o thermostats which are wasting fuel and electricity. Our discussion is to subsidize the installation costs with owners paying for the thermostat,others want the unit owners to pay for everything.
Remote op. thermostat have low installation costs.Question ? Do any of you have experience or comments as to what would be best to get the coop expenses down. 1266 units @ Horizon House with 3 to4K fan coiled units and maybe 50% with existing thermostats. Please advise Thank you

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thermostat - Eric Michaels Feb 25, 2011

Have you looked at NYSERDA's Multi Family Performance Program as a means to possibly fund a large portion of this and/or any other energy related projects? If your building can implement measures that reduce building wide energy consumption by 15% you could be eligible for a considerable amount of money. Wireless Energy Management Systems, Lighting and Separating DHW production from the buildings Heating system are key "target" measures for NYSERDA funding. There are also rebate programs out there for sub metering projects. If you have further questions let me know and I will provide a phone number.

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thermostat - Eric Feb 25, 2011

I apologize, I just noticed your buildings are actually in New Jersey. There are several utility and possibly state sponsored rebate/incentive programs that should address your issues. When you are comfortable doing so let me know your utility company and I will look into their energy programs. Also, feel free to contact me should you have any questions.

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