New York's Cooperative and Condominium Community



Co-op / Condo News: Dog Days of Summer, Find-a-Broker Tool, More

Read all the latest co-op / co-op news for buyers, sellers and board members in Habitat's weekly Monday News Roundup. Also included: Permanent archival links. If a link ever goes dead, you'll still be able to read the backup at


Co-op / Condo Buying, Selling...

"Panting Through the Co-op Interview," on specialists who train dogs for co-op admission interviews, by Sarah Kershaw (The New York Times)

"'Splitters' Can Save You Thousands on a New Condo" by Teri Karush Rogers (

"Shop for a Broker" real-estate broker comparison tool (, and "New Search Tool May Make Brokers Squirm" by Malcolm Carter (Service You Can Trust blog)

"Feds Raise Conforming Loan Limit in NYC: Change will make it harder for average buyers looking to buy property" by Amanda Fung (Crain's New York Business)

Co-op / Condo Living...

"HUD Barks at Co-op City Policy Keeping Resident from Having Emotional-Support Dog in his Apartment" by Daniel Beekman (New York Daily News)

"The Appraisal: Is Co-op Living Worth the Hassle?" by Diane Cardwell (The New York Times)

"AFL-CIO Invests $134M in Penn South Co-op" by Carl Gaines (

"A New Start for an Ambitious Queens Condo Complex" by Fred A. Bernstein (The New York Times)

"Chinese-American Condos Planned at Delancey and Pitt" by Jennifer Strom (

"[Hurricane] Irene Knocks Down Controversial 80-Year-Old Brooklyn Heights Elm Tree" belonging to Mansion House co-op, by Jesse Green (New York), and "[Co-op's] Giant Elm With Contentious History Felled in Heights" by Mary Frost (Brooklyn Daily Eagle)

"Piven Purchases [Mike] Piazza’s Pre-War [Condo Penthouse] in Tribeca" by Elise Knutsen (The New York Observer)

"Reality TV Housewife Bethenny Frankel Buys $4.9 Million TriBeCa Condo" (

WebCitation archives:

Panting • SplittersShopSquirmHUDAppraisal....Hassle? •  AFL-CIOChinese-AmericanElm TreeGiant Elm •  PivenFrankel

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Norris McLaughlin, P.A.

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