How do NYC co-ops and condos operate? Governed by an elected board of directors, these housing corporations are like mini-cities with their own bylaws and governing documents. Here you'll find articles on a wide range of topics that co-op and condo board directors need to understand to govern their housing corporation wisely.
Written by Paula Chin on January 17, 2017
Some boards use Requests for Proposals to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Written by Lisa Prevost on January 10, 2017
“It’s more than just finding the best price.”
January 09, 2017
Board power: where it comes from, and how to protect it.
Written by Bill Morris on January 06, 2017
Queens condo board fights to gain control of its destiny – and wins.
January 02, 2017
You should love it when your energy bills go down, but be wary when maintenance stays flat.
December 26, 2016
This week we look into the education of a board member and the pricing of a co-op apartment.
December 19, 2016
Discrimination suits, every board’s worst nightmare, are avoidable.
Written by Lisa Prevost on December 13, 2016
More co-op and condo boards are tying holiday bonuses to staff performance.
December 12, 2016
The holiday bonus for building staffers is no longer a given – and neither is the foundation of board power.