New York's Cooperative and Condominium Community




Lawyer on Board in the Era of Transparency

Long Island

Two Hats
Jan. 15, 2018

It’s a high-wire act. A lawyer who specializes in co-op and condo law happens to be the president of his condo board. To avoid potential conflicts of interest or legal liability, the board has hired an outside attorney to provide legal advice. To complicate the picture even further, a new state law seeks to eliminate conflicts of interest by requiring boards to compile annual lists of every contract they awarded in which a director has a financial interest. The list must then be distributed to all residents.

Such a high-wire act is being played out at the 128-unit Yacht Club Condominium in Island Park, Long Island, where veteran co-op and condo attorney Stewart Wurtzel, a partner at Tane Waterman & Wurtzel, is the board president. When it needs legal advice, the board turns to its attorney, Evan Gitter, a partner at Cohen, Warren, Meyer & Gitter. The two lawyers responded to questions about their delicate balancing act.

If there’s a lawyer serving on a co-op or condo board, why should the board pay for outside legal counsel?

STEWART WURTZEL: My role as a board member is very different from the role I play as a building’s attorney. I try to be very careful at our Yacht Club board meetings not to come across as giving legal advice. As an attorney, I certainly have encountered many of the issues that I face as a board member, but when a legal opinion is needed, I turn to Evan.

First, as a board member, I do not have the level of independence necessary to review my thoughts and actions objectively. Second, I am not insured for legal decisions made as a board member. The concern would be that I fall between the cracks. If I were providing legal advice, my malpractice carrier might say that I was serving as a board member while my directors-and-officers carrier might say that I was serving as an attorney – and consequently, both might decline coverage. In the many areas where there is not a clear interpretation of legal documents, the best advice is given by an independent counselor. No one should be able to accuse me of manipulating the legal opinion to meet my desires.

EVAN GITTER: It’s imperative that co-op and condo boards receive and act upon advice from an independent attorney who has no personal interest in the outcome. Board decisions are legally protected under the Business Judgment Rule, which says that if a board acted on an informed basis, within the scope of its authority, in good faith, and in the honest belief that the action taken was in the best interests of the community – then the courts are prohibited from second-guessing the board’s decision.

An attorney serving on the board has an interest in the board’s actions, like all fellow shareholders, and his advice may not appear to be as objective as the advice of an independent attorney. That dual loyalty could possibly be used by an outside party to rebut the Business Judgment Rule, by arguing that the board did not act in good faith or on an informed basis when it relied on the legal opinion of a board member. Also, the attorney serving on the board may be subject to malpractice liability when rendering legal advice to the board instead of a business opinion.

Will this new conflict-of-interest law have any effect?

WURTZEL: If the cooperative were to retain the services of the board member/lawyer to provide legal services, that contract would need to be disclosed. But simply giving legal advice to the board as a board member would not trigger any obligation under the new legislation.

GITTER: I agree. This legislation, which became effective January 1, 2018, relates to conflicts of interest that could arise between board members and vendors. The purpose of the legislation is transparency. If the board member/attorney is not actually retained by the board but is only providing advice and insight based upon his or her professional background, the requirements would not be triggered.

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