NYC co-ops and condos, like all residential apartment buildings, are bricks and mortar. They need care, maintenance, and money to pay for the upkeep. The goal, though, is not to make a profit, but to create an environment that owners want to live and invest in. How co-op and condo buildings do that in New York City is what you'll find here.
Con Edison wins approval for steep rate hikes through 2025.
Co-op and condo boards will soon have to comply with more new rules.
Boards get some good news as they struggle to comply with Local Law 97.
Efforts to control the great urban eyesore have not been a success.
Long-standing program, significantly expanded this year, is open until July 31.
Written by Bill Morris on July 06, 2023
Co-ops and condos with food-serving commercial tenants need to know about a new rule.
Written by Paula Chin on June 22, 2023
With garage inspections looming, boards need to think about Plan B.
Tax break is one of few housing measures to pass in recent Legislature session.
June 05, 2023
The pro's and con's of a live-in super in co-ops and condos.
May 23, 2023
Holistic approach can save the building’s systems — and a lot of money.