Based on data that compiled last fall 2014, the neighborhoods with the most noise complaints included the East Village, Battery Park City/Lower Manhattan, Soho/Tribeca/City Center/Little Italy and Midtown/Midtown South. Midtown/Midtown South had the most complaints with 104.51 complaints per 1,000 people. In comparison, areas further from midtown Manhattan, like Starrett City and Co-op City, had 2.25 and 1.10 complaints per 1000 people, respectively.
Taking a broader view, Lentin and his crew discovered that the majority of noise complaints (37%) came from loud music or parties, construction before/after hours (16%) and loud talking (13%). Sounds that were lesser sources of the noise problem included: cars and trucks and banging or pounding, each contributed 2%. Overall, noise complaints peaked at 11 p.m. weekdays and midnight on weekends.
Final calculations revealed 140,664 noise complaints in NYC in the past year. Check it out: