With a folded size of 38 (h) x 21 (w) x 8 (d) inches, and Weighing under 20 pounds, the MK3 comes assembled, has no complicated parts or controls and is made to unfold in less than 10 seconds. According to the company, one person with five minutes of training should be able to wheel a strapped-in evacuee weighing the same as you, and with practice you should be able to save someone weighing up to 330 pounds.
The wheelchair's simple mechanism uses gravity and friction: A modified "endless belt" (like escalator railings) interfaces with two supporting rear carriages to provide, in the company's words, "a smooth, continuously working brake/traction system that slows descent proportionally to the weight of the passenger." When you reach a landing, the geometry of the unit transfers all weight to the two main wheels for pivot turns and travel. You can see it in action here.
We all hope never to have a building fire or a gas leak or anything like that. But if and when the worst happens, quick evacuation in important. For co-op and condo boards, this, like fire alarms and emergency lighting, represents not just a quality-of-life concern, but — oh, let's go ahead and say it — a quality-of-life-and-death concern.
Evac+Chair • 3000 Marcus Avenue, Suite #3E6, Lake Success, N.Y. 11042-1012 • (516) 502-4240 • sales@evac-chair.com