New York's Cooperative and Condominium Community

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she was not allowed to have it, she fought with him, since i had prepped her and she got it
; or doing anything illegal if you can’t prove it. Talk up the coop’s problems, but don’t just
-- is just too high, especially if the director is an officer. How are you going to convince the other
and imperfections. Get the renters out Encourage owner occupancy – owners just care more, it's natural.
. Quixotic, too expensive, too divisive. . . . it seems like the board could be in a lot of trouble
that the board is after, it’s the owner of the apartment. You and your daughter are just caught
makes noise issues even more problematic. You need to strike a good balance between doing too much
Sounds like our building use to be. Two Board members were always too busy except give orders
they have because of advanced age and inability to physically do it. Barb also didn't say
at St. John's University School of Law. "If it's just something the board passed and not a bylaw

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