New York's Cooperative and Condominium Community



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HABITAT ANSWERS: Good news! There are definitely ways to broker a peace between dog owners ... A READER ASKS: I'm on the board of a small co-op in Brooklyn. We are considering revising our pet ... Ask Habitat: How Can Our Board Revise the Pet Policy So It's Fair for Everybody?
have asked to read meeting minutes, asked brokers for details about the building's cultural atmosphere

The IT Guy and the Board UNABRIDGED

Magazine Article by Tom Soter on June 01, 2015

does. Unable to refinance a (non-existent) underlying mortgage, the board went to its unit-owners, and

Spaces of Gold UNABRIDGED

Magazine Article by Frank Lovece on June 01, 2015

improvements, so that you don’t have to refinance the mortgage or levy an assessment?” “Boards should not look

The Clothes make the Doorman UNABRIDGED

Magazine Article by Kathryn Farrell on June 01, 2015

no tie.” It involves curb appeal. “How do you want your building perceived?” asks Picaso. “Do you want
boards use for capital-reserve planning, mortgage refinancing, and the like — with a bonus. It costs much
for the project, contact your insurance broker to review the insurance information provided from the contractors ... the project and say, 'That's right, we did overlook this.'" When that happens, he says, "we ask [the vendors
their mortgages to Fannie Mae aren’t allowed to do — slaps this new limit not only on cooperatives, but also ... the Federal National Mortgage Association, commonly known as Fannie Mae, instituted on March 31. A broker
I am wondering what the current ballpark underlying coop mortgage rates are for 10/30 amortizing ... underlying mortgage rates
shareholders had been asking for them to be replaced at every annual meeting, but we never felt comfortable ... mortgage came due. With an eye to future capital projects, the board refinanced its mortgage for $2

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Professionals in some of the key fields of co-op and condo board governance and building management answer common questions in their areas of expertise

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