Air conditioners can kill.
Air conditioners can kill.
It was 3 in the morning and someone was ringing at my buzzer.
Local Law 39/2015 calls for all electrical outlets in public spaces to be covered. Is it necessary?
A fatal explosion in Harlem re-emphasizes safety protocols.
Minor work at our co-op has come to a halt because the DOB says we need a site safety plan. Is this necessary?
Commercial buildings rehearse several times a year. Residential buildings hand out a playbook and hope for the best.
Monkey bars and seesaws may be threatened with extinction, but playgrounds are hot, hot, hot.
What to ask during an admissions interview? How about, “Do you own a gun?”
What I learned about being safe in a non-doorman building.
Wrestling with the extent the board is obligated to inform residents balanced against the privacy of a shareholder.