What can boards do when there are complaints about smoke emanating from other apartments?
What can boards do when there are complaints about smoke emanating from other apartments?
Can a board prohibit smoking in a cooperative or condominium?
How does a shareholder make certain that a proxy is voted as he or she intends?
What rights does a board have to penalize unit-owners for alteration policy violations when enforcement has been lax in the past?
Are boards and managing agents responsible for ensuring final sign-off on building permit applications filed by residents and commercial tenants?
What is the most realistic option for a board dealing with a shareholder’s objectionable behavior?
How can you effectively deal with a rent-controlled tenant who is a hoarder and also has special needs?
What options does a condo board have for screening the finances of purchasers?
How can a board best tackle a quality-of-life issue that pits shareholders against one another?
What does a board do when a simple shareholder problem spirals out of control?
Can – and should – a co-op board overhaul its sublet policy without shareholder approval?
Can a condo board revoke unit-owners’ access to amenities when they are in arrears on their common charges?
Are same-sex married couples in New York entitled to automatic survivor ownership of their co-op shares if one of them dies?
What qualifies a shareholder to keep a service animal when a co-op has a no-dogs policy?
What is the best approach for a board to take to settle a dispute with a sponsor?