The decision to pursue legal fees incurred by a board when a shareholder defaults often becomes a larger issue than the original default.
The decision to pursue legal fees incurred by a board when a shareholder defaults often becomes a larger issue than the original default.
How to cope with board members “punishing” a president for past decisions.
More and more, boards are starting to follow the trend of banning smoking in public places.
After years of neglect, how can a co-op prevent defaulting?
Who is responsible for damage done during a side job performed by the super?
Involving general counsel at the beginning of the refinancing process could save the co-op money.
Most boards attempting to collect delinquent common charges face three options: payment plan, sue, or foreclose.
Ignoring a nuisance that affects other unit-owners can create more complicated problems for the board down the line.
Boards should learn that in this economy, standard common charge recovery efforts will not suffice.
Wrestling with the extent the board is obligated to inform residents balanced against the privacy of a shareholder.