As an urban coastal region, New York ity is especially vulnerable to extreme climate changes. How do we prepare?
As an urban coastal region, New York ity is especially vulnerable to extreme climate changes. How do we prepare?
Some of the most commonly considered options in the new weather patterns New Yorkers will be facing are green roofs, blue roofs, and white roofs
To be truly effective, new green technology needs to be paired with an equally sophisticated staff.
Attorney Stuart Saft examines the two distinct legal futures of co-ops and condos.
In the last decade, operating costs have risen, on average, approximately 60%. Is this a good indicator for the future?
Thirty years ago the co-op and condo conversion wave was just revving up. What will the next 30 years bring?
Co-op and condo management is about people. Do boards today know how to govern?
Green financing – paying off a loan with the expected savings of the green technology bought with said loan – may not be here as soon as you think.
How do the City Council’s members view the effect and the needs of their co-op and condo constituents?
A fictional story about a board member who travels back in time 30 years.