With the economy swooning, many co-ops and condos are attempting to cut costs.
With the economy swooning, many co-ops and condos are attempting to cut costs.
More and more condos are having to cope with antiquated and imprecise bylaws. Is there anything you can do about them?
Charging up real electric cars.
With the economy on a downswing, more and more condos are finding it’s safer to be cooperative.
As its water bills rose and its property deteriorated, Dayton Beach Park found that it had to deal with an ever-deepening crisis.
What should be asked during the admissions process.
With its building literally falling apart, one board took dramatic steps to turn matters around.
Knowing what the loan officer wants is key to getting what your building needs.
A Park Avenue co-op fought a bruising, costly legal battle for 15 years with a shareholder who was also a lawsuit-happy lawyer.
The lawyer's view: a Park Avenue co-op fought a bruising, costly legal battle for 15 years with a shareholder who was also a lawsuit-happy lawyer.