Around the Web: Week of Mon., Nov. 2: Shredders Suggested, Supers Required
Recent news of note for co-op and condo boards. See why boards are buying paper shredders, learn how banks' increasing demands are killing sales, and marvel at one co-op board's self-defeating nitpicking in a slow market.
- "Refi Wave Spawns Latest Amenity: The Basement Shredder" (, on boards and confidential information
- "Guidelines for Coop- and Condo-Breakthrough Loans" ( forum)
- "Co-ops Should Ease Up A Bit & Shore Up Balance Sheets" by Noah Rosenblatt (, on admissions nitpicking in a slow market
- "It’s Not You, It’s Them: What happens when you can qualify for a loan — but the apartment you’re buying can’t?" by S.Jhoanna Robledo ( New York magazine)
- "Ask an Agent: Is There Any Way to Reduce My Condo Fees?" by Mark Wellborn (
- "When a Super Is a Requirement" in a co-op, by Jay Romano ( The New York Times)