Around the Web: Week of Mon., Nov. 30: Condo Corruption & Tipping Tips
Recent news of note for co-op and condo boards. Ho ho how do you tip staff for the holidays? Experts and forum posters tell all. Plus: A new state law helps co-ops and condos whose owners face foreclosure, commenters advise a self-managed co-op about sharing chores, and wait till you read the latest tale of condo corruption.
- "The 1st Annual BrickUnderground Guide to Holiday Tipping" (
- "Holiday Tipping" ( forum)
- "Holiday Tipping in Light of the Following..." ( forum)
- "Chores in Self-Managed Co-ops?" ( forum)
- "Mortgages: Foreclosure Protections for All" by Bob Tedeschi ( The New York Times)
- "New Law Offers More Protection for Foreclosure Victims" by Bill Egbert ( Daily News)
- "Inside story: 'My condo was corrupt'" by Anonymous as told to Teri Rogers (
- "Doormen and Residents: Under One Roof, Yet Far Apart" by Anne Barnard ( The New York Times)
- "Sales Launch at Harlem [Condo] Development Seeking FHA Financing" (