Co-op/Condo News: Nudes in Hallways, Corrupt Supers & Strike Prep, Oh, My!

NYC: April 19, 2010 — Recent news of note for co-op and condo boards. What should a board do when your managing agent countenances a corrupt super? Or when a resident puts up nude paintings in a family building's hallway? Plus, see how a condo board in Middle America handles a bad neighbor, you betcha. And New York City's Public Advocate offers a strike prep website, just in case. Get all the details and read all the latest co-op and condo news in Habitat's weekly Monday News Roundup!

  • "An Unnecessary Law" by co-op/condo advocate and attorney Stuart Saft (Letter-to-the-editor, The New York Times), responding to story "On Long Island, Legislating Fairness in Co-ops"









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