Co-op/Condo News Roundup: Boards Prep for Strike, Buyers Prep for Deals
NYC: April 12, 2010 — Recent news of note for co-op and condo boards. How are boards preparing for a possible doorman strike? How are they dealing with their management companies? What did a co-op board uncover in their upstairs? And what's going on with condo prices? Stay informed and up-to-date without all the work — just read all the latest co-op and condo news on Habitat's weekly Monday News Roundup!
- "Fed-up Condo Owners Flock to Midtown War Room" (
- "Going Rogue: Hitting the Panic Button in a Doorman Strike" (
- "How Does Management Co. Communicate With You?" ( forum)
- "The Secret Penthouse of the St. George Hotel Revealed" (, on co-op board plans for a newly discovered space
- "Extell Told to Release 41 Buyers from Condos" by Theresa Agovino ( Crain's New York Business)
- "Prices to be Slashed at Big Harlem [Condo] Development" by Amanda Fung ( Crain's New York Business)
- "DN ♥ Domino" by "Halden" (, a response to Daily News editorial on Domino condo development
- "Brooklyn Towers Have Trump Name but No Limos" by Kareem Fahim ( The New York Times), on the five co-op Trump Village
- "Carlin Had 7 Dirty Words, and Brokers Have But 1" by Malcolm Carter (Service You Can Trust blog)