Co-op/Condo Board News: Doggie Doings, Shameful Developers, "Porn" Suit
NYC: June 14, 2010 — Recent news of note for co-op boards and condo associations.
Dogs create co-op/condo controversy from Queens to Canada. New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo goes up against a shameful condo developer — while another shameful developer buys up condo's a driveway, barricades it and then holds residents' access hostage! Where's fashion designer Alexander Wang buying? Not at Donald Trump's Sixteen Trump Soho. Plus, a broke condo board in Maui shuts off your water to make you pay up, a Tribeca condo owner sues a "porn party" tenant, and will Albany soon make you tell prospective buyers about bedbugs?
Read all the latest co-op and condo news on Habitat's weekly Monday News Roundup! Also included: Permanent archival links. If a link ever goes dead, you'll still be able to read the backup at
- "Barking Mad! Dog Owners Try to Get Queens Co-op Big Six Towers to Ease Up on Pooch Policy" by Lisa L. Colangelo (New York Daily News) and "Condo Board, Couple, Settle after $17,000 in Noisy Dog Fines" by Darrell Bellaart ( The Vancouver Sun)
- "Bedbug Bill Moves Forward in Albany" by R. M. Schneiderman ( The Wall Street Journal)
- "Investor to Condo Owners: Pay $80K to Use Driveway" by Alice Gomstyn (ABC News)
- "Consulting Police a Wise Call but Condo Owner with Troublemaking Tenants Can't Be Forced to Sell" by Robert Noce ( Edmonton [Alberta] Journal)
- "In Suit, 'Porn’' Party Condo Owner Claims Neighbor Fights Dirty" by Matt Dunning ( The Tribeca Trib)
- "Condo Boards Drained as Fees Dry Up" and "Isle Condo Boards Get Creative to Obtain Fees" by Harry Eager ( The Maui News)
- "[Attorney General] Cuomo Hits [Developer] Yair Levy with Fraud Suit" over condo conversion of Rector Square, by Amanda Fung ( Crain's New York Business), and "Developer Accused of Looting Downtown Building’s Reserve Fund" by Christine Haughney ( The New York Times). Background (from November): "Rector Square Unit Owners Sue Levy, Shvo, Cooper Square for $100 Million" by David Jones (
- "Sixteen Trump Soho [Condo] Buyers Rebel Over Fraud" by Sara Polsky (
- "Brubach-analia! Alexander Wang Buys Former Times Style Maven's Co-op" by Chloe Malle ( The New York Observer)
WebCite archives:
"Barking Mad" • " $17,000 Dog Fines " • "Bedbug Bill" • "Driveway" • "Consulting Police"• "Fights Dirty" • "Boards Drained" • "Isle Condo Boards" • "Yair Levy" • "Looting" • "Rector Square Unit Owners" • "Sixteen Trump Soho"• "Alexander Wang"