Co-op/Condo News: Even Red China Thinks NY Boards Are Snobby, & More

NYC: MAY 10, 2010 — Recent news of note for co-op and condo boards. A Queens co-op is not going to the dogs, Mickey Rourke may be going to the Apthorp, some boards are going to inflate apartment-sales figures, and among bit of news this week: China's English-language Global Times is going on about on about how New York City co-op boards are too bureaucratic and labyrinthine — and coming from Communists, that's really saying something!

Read all the latest co-op and condo news on Habitat's weekly Monday News Roundup. Also included: Permanent archival links. If a link ever goes dead, you'll still be able to read the backup at












WebCite archives (Note: Communist China does not allow Global Times to be archived):

"1 in 10" • "Seward Park" • "Pets in Woodside" • "REBNY" • "Greenpoint" • "10-Year Battle" • "Mickey Rourke" • "Co-op Insurance"







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