Co-op/Condo News Roundup: Divorce, Taxes & Barging-In Board Members

NYC: May 24, 2010 — Recent news of note for co-op and condo boards. Tick ... tick ... tick .... That's your property tax about to explode. Also: What can you do about a co-op board VP who lets himself in to your apartment whenever he wants? Maybe not much — read more. Plus, learn what's new in annual meetings, see what happens when a board gets in the middle of a divorce, and for all you co-op / condo buyers out there, here's the inside scoop on what board minutes really mean. New buyers Christopher Meloni and Tony Award-nominee Jessica Hecht, this means you! It's all in the latest co-op and condo news, every week on Habitat's Monday News Roundup!


  • "Divorce, Apartment Style," including one story of a co-op board's involvement, by Helene Stapinski ( The New York Times)













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430 March 2025

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