Co-op/Condo News: Bike Rooms, Unofficial "Board Meetings" & More

New York, NY,  Oct. 4, 2010 — Recent news for co-op boards and condo associations.

Boards look into bike rooms and maybe into shareholders who overcharge roommates. Verizon seeks co-op board approvals as it keeps rolling out FIOS. A manufacturing plant in Queens goes solar to save on its $20,000-a-year electric bill — what do you pay a year? Plus, no smoking in Chicago, a condo manager gets sued in Texas over "pebbles," and when is a board meeting not a board meeting? When condo board members hang out together and chat about the building. What happens then ain't pretty. Plus: See why they don't call him "Oscar de la Renting," as the fashion mogul buys into a condo building for his boy.

Read all the latest co-op board and condo board news in Habitat's weekly Monday News Roundup! Also included: Permanent archival links. If a link ever goes dead, you'll still be able to read the backup at


Buying and Selling...

Board Issues from Around the Country...


WebCitation archives:

"Rent" • "Must-have" • "Property Worth?" • "FIOS" •  "Sussman" • "Rushmore" • "Oscar de la Renta" • "Meeting Status" • "Light Up" • "$96.30" • "Kicked Out" • "Wet Pebble"


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