Co-op/Condo News: New Sponsor & Broker Laws, Low-Cost Co-ops, More



New York, NY, Sept. 13, 2010 — Recent news for co-op boards and condo associations.

What's a co-op board to do when an attorney and a sex-offender accountant (Irving Kamsler, at left) say they're the new owners of a co-op? Ultimately, not deny them. Read how that happened. And if you've ever had problems with dirty-bird starlings, or bad concrete, or unsightly upgrades, see what co-op / condo boards elsewhere have done. Also, we've news for buyers and sellers about brokers and sponsors, and about Section 8 and shared-equity co-ops. Plus: Tiger Woods' mistress buys a Manhattan condo  — though not Derek Jeter's!

Read all the latest co-op board and condo board news in Habitat's weekly Monday News Roundup! Also included: Permanent archival links. If a link ever goes dead, you'll still be able to read the backup at

  • "Who Is Watching Heiress Huguette Clark's Millions?" by Bill Dedman (, including a response by the co-op board at The Dorchester (110 East 57th Street) to suspicious-seeming activity by her attorney and her sex-offender-accountant trustees

Buying and Selling...

  • "Seeking Designated Buyer," on Derek Jeter putting his Manhattan condo for sale, by Elizabeth A. Harris (The New York Times)

Board Issues from Around the Country and More...

  • "Condo Owners Raise Alarm: Unsightly work on fire system upgrades has left residents doing a slow burn" by Hugh Adami (The Ottawa Citizen)

WebCitation archives:
"Sweetheart Deals" • "Heiress" • "Colin Powell" • "Habitat for Humanity" • "Brokers" • "Low-Cost" • "Harlem Condos" • "Tiger Woods" • "Derek Jeter" • "Massie" • "Concrete" • "Trees" • "Alarm"


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