Co-op / Condo News: Flags, No Smoking & a Board Gets Creative with a Deadbeat
New York, NY, April 18, 2011 — Recent news for your co-op board or condo association.
Even a famous photographer and his Victoria’s Secret-model girlfriend can't escape the wrath of a condo board when they fall five digits into arrears. We also have the latest on getting your building into social media, legislation around the country regarding no-smoking and flag-flying rules, and, for co-op / condo buyers and owners, tips on getting renovation approval, renting your condo and more. Plus: Bruce Willis dies hard in selling his condo.
Read all the latest co-op board, condo board and co-op / condo buyer news in Habitat's weekly Monday News Roundup. Also included: Permanent archival links. If a link ever goes dead, you'll still be able to read the backup at
- "Shareholders Avoiding Conflict of Interest / A Board Discovers Hidden Cameras" by Jay Romano (The New York Times)
- "Does your Condo or HOA Use a Website or Social Media to Inform Owners? Why Not?" by Daniel Vasquez (South Florida Sun-Sentinel)
- "A Condo, High-Profile Residents and a $40,000 Bill," on creative steps a board is taking with an owner in deep arrears, by Christine Haughney (The New York Times)
- "Condos vs. Co-ops: Crass Warfare" by Michael Gross (Crain's New York Business)
Buying and Selling...
- "NYC Renovation Chronicles: The 6 essentials for board approval" by Yoel Borgenicht (
- "A Checklist for Renting Your Condo" by Ronald H. Gitter (
- "Out and About: Comps don’t always explain price" by Malcolm Carter (Service You Can Trust blog)
- "Bruce Willis Finds Buyer for Discounted Upper West Side Condo" by Sara Polsky (
Board Issues from Around the Country...
- "Pasadena May Snuff Out Condo Smokers" by Brian Charles (Pasadena Star-News, CA)
- "Bill Gives All [Condo Owners] the Right to Fly a Flag at their Home" (New Hampshire Union Leader)
- "HOA Hall of Shame President Guilty of Coercion" (KTNV-TV, Las Vegas, NV)
- "Harper Resurrects Condo Bill" to allow renting one's condo, by Nora Avery-Page (Daily News-Sun, Sun City AZ)
- "Condo Owners Sue Building Framer for Not Completing Job" by John Suayan (The Southeast Texas Record)
WebCitation archives:
"Shareholders/Cameras" • "Social Media" • "$40,000 Bill" • "Condos vs. Co-ops" • "Renovation" • "Renting Condo" • "Comps" • "Bruce Willis" • "Condo Smokers" • "Fly the Flag" • "Coercion" • "Harper" • "Building Framer"