Co-op / Condo News: Conn. & L.I. Board Legislation, Religious Statue, More
New York, NY, Feb. 28, 2011 — Recent news for co-op boards and condo associations.
When words like "dictatorial" and "abusive" regularly precede "co-op board" and "condo board" — no matter that "whiny" and "ungrateful" regularly precede "shareholder" and "unit-owner" — maybe it's time to clean up our bad apples. Because now both the state of Connecticut and New York's Nassau County are pondering bad-board legislation, as Suffolk County has already passed. Meanwhile, a co-op and condo owners group is gathering steam. Also in the news: the property-tax revolt, foreclosure-threatened condos cutting property-manager pay and a Columbus, Ohio, board takes on the Virgin Mary.
Read all the latest co-op board and condo board news in Habitat's weekly Monday News Roundup! Also included: Permanent archival links. If a link ever goes dead, you'll still be able to read the backup at
- "Co-op Leaders Mull Litigation Over Property Tax Assessments" by Paul Leonard (Little Neck Patch)
- "Nassau Considers Co-op Fairness Law" by David Winzelberg (Long Island Business News; full article requires subscription)
- "The Man at the Center of a Dispute at the Dakota" by Christine Haughney and Peter Lattman (The New York Times)
- "Condo Board Lords: Each condo has one, and you know what they say: If you can't beat them, join them" by Daniela Andrews (National Post)
- "[421A] Tax Breaks on Real Estate Deals for People Like A-Rod Cost City 900M a Year" by Juan Gonzalez (New York Daily News)
Buying, Selling, Owning...
- "The Lowdown from Last Night’s Co-op and Condo Owners Forum" by Teri Karush Rogers (, Feb.24, 2011
- "Much Ado About Something: Do Offering Plans Need a Warning Label?" by Ronald H. Gitter (
- "E-Mail May Be Binding [in Real Estate Transactions], State Court Rules" by C. J. Hughes (The New York Times)
- "Should You Go Co-op or Condo?" (Seattle Post-Intelligencer)
- "The High Road: Some Brokers Are . . . Thieves" by Malcolm Carter (Service You Can Trust blog)
- "$36M 834 Fifth [Co-op Apartment] Sale Makes the Market Look Good Again" by Sara Polsky (
Board Issues from Around the Country and More...
- "Connecticut Condo Owners Coalition Supports Proposed Legislation" to curb abusive boards and property managers (The Ridgefield Press)
- "Foreclosure Crisis Forces Some Florida Condos and HOAs to Dump Property Managers or Pay them Less" by Daniel Vasquez (South Florida Sun-Sentinel)
- "Edgefield Homeowners Oust Association Board President, Safety Director" after gun battle in bar by Cassie Foss and Allison Stice (The Island Packet, Beaufort County, SC)
- "Condo Owner Being Forced To Remove Virgin Mary Statue" NBC4 (Columbus, Ohio)
- "The New KY Condo Law: What You Need to Know" by Chris Otts (The Courier-Journal, Louisville, KY)
WebCitation archives:
"Tax Assessments" • "Co-op Fairness Law" • "Dakota" • "Lords" • "A-Rod" • "Lowdown" • "Warning Label" • "E-Mail" • "Co-op or Condo?" •"Thieves" • "$36M" •"Connecticut" • "Foreclosure Crisis" • "Edgefield" • "Virgin Mary" • "KY Condo"