Co-op / Condo News: Rules, Rogue Members, Another Flag & Nicole Kidman

New York, NY, Jan. 17, 2011 — Recent news for co-op boards and condo associations.
This week: How celebrities and other high-profile buyers can hold onto their privacy — and how boards can use investigative lawyers to get around that! Speaking of celebs, Nicole Kidman and her husband Keith Urban just bought a condo, attorneys and certified building managers give tips on rules enforcement and dealing with rogue board members, and, yes, once again, flags and a senior citizen's pet kitty-cat find themselves in the middle of scorched-earth, take-no-prisoners condo boards and homeowners associations.
Read all the latest co-op board and condo board news in Habitat's weekly Monday News Roundup! Also included: Permanent archival links. If a link ever goes dead, you'll still be able to read the backup at
- "4 Neat Ways [for Co-op / Condo Boards] to Use an Investigative Lawyer" by Teri Karush Rogers (
- "Directors Gone Wild!" and what co-op / condo boards can do about rogue members, by Steven S. Weil, Esq. (Berding Weil LLP website)
- "HOA [and Co-op / Condo] Rules Enforcement Policy" with sample resolution-draft form, by Richard Thompson (Realty Times)
- "Ask an Expert: How Many Rentals Is Too Many [in a Co-op / Condo Building]?" by Teri Karush Rogers (
- "How to Stretch Your Reserve Dollars – A Case Study" by David Ferrill, PCAM (Association Living)
Buying and Selling...
- "There's Just One Reason to Seek a 30-Year Mortgage" by Malcolm Carter (Service You Can Trust blog). For a board perspective, see Habitat article, "Shocker: Why Long-Term Co-op / Condo Borrowing May Be Bad, Short-Term Good"
- "Told Co-op Will Allow Renovations, How to Verify?" ( forum)
- "A Rabbi and John Legend Walk Into a Bowery Condo Building..." by Joey Arak (
- "Nicole Kidman Buys at 200 Eleventh, But Not Where You Think" by Laura Kusisto (The New York Observer)
Board Issues from Around the Country...
- "Group Plans to Take on HOAs over Flags" by Erik Barajas (KTRK-TV, Houston, Texas)
- "Stuart Couple Keeps Cat in 'No Pets' [Condo] Apartment" and faces $12,000 payment to condo association, by Kristyn Caddell (WPTV-TV, West Palm Beach, Fla.)
- "Rivergate Lofts [Condominium Complex] Lawsuit Alleges Numerous Flaws" by Shane Benjamin (The Durango [Colo.] Herald)
WebCitation archives:
"4 Neat Ways" • "Directors" • "Rules Enforcement" • "How Many Rentals" "Stretch" • "30-Year Mortgage" • "Privacy" • "Renovations" • "John Legend" • "Nicole Kidman" • "Flags" • "Cat" • "Rivergate" •
Image: Detail, Nicole Kidman in "Rabbit Hole," distributed by Lionsgate