Co-op / Condo News: Kips Bay Board Reasonable, Lax-Security Murder & More

New York, NY, Aug. 22, 2011 — Recent news for your co-op board or condo association.

It's all too seldom we have a story with a happy ending, but such is the case with a co-op board in Manhattan's Kips Bay neighborhood. Elsewhere, however, we've an abusive co-op neighbor, a corrupt co-op president ... and a theater review! For co-op / condo buyers and sellers, a real-estate attorney dispels some common myths, and Freddie Mac says it's giving you $1,500 to pay your condo association fees  — details inside. And a story about a condo taken to court over lax security has a questionable headline, given it involves a gun: "Murder / Suicide Trigger Lawsuit."  Headline writer triggers disgust.

Read all the latest co-op / co-op news for buyers, sellers and board members in Habitat's weekly Monday News Roundup. Also included: Permanent archival links. If a link ever goes dead, you'll still be able to read the backup at


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WebCitation archives:

"Man Blocked" • "Allows Man" • "Abusive" • "Corrupt" • "Old Crank" • "Freddie Mac" • "Loopholes" • "New Rules" • "Murder" • "Misappropriating" • "Roof Leaks" • "Smoking" • "Trouble"


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