Co-op / Condo News: Smoking Ban, Electric Cars and Dissing the Disabled

New York, NY, May 16, 2011 — Recent news for your co-op board or condo association.

The building's elevator doesn't work, disabled people live on upper floors, and a wheelchair ramp one resident paid for got physically removed for not looking pretty. Americans with Disabilities Act? Hah! What of the disabled if there's a fire? Said building manager Lynda Reifman, “The fire department will get them out; that’s their job.” And we're sure the fire department, as well as the disabled, thank her for the extra risk to life and limb. Good thing that a man with cerebral palsy, who's running for the board at Co-op City, lives there and not at that place. Elsewhere, one New York City's biggest and newest condos bans smoking, one of the city's most venerable gets electric cars, and much, much more.

Read all the latest co-op board, condo board and co-op / condo buyer news in Habitat's weekly Monday News Roundup. Also included: Permanent archival links. If a link ever goes dead, you'll still be able to read the backup at


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"Smoking" • "Liu" • "Secret Society" • "Bronx Man" • "Developer" • "Electric Cars" •  "Building Broker" • "I Guarantee" • "Closing" • "Rector Square" • "Wheelchair Ramps" • "Expansion" • "Embezzlement" • "Terrorists" • "6 Laws"


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