Co-op / Condo News: Calling Counsel, Cancerous Condo, Cop's Canine

New York, NY, Oct. 3, 2011 — Recent news affecting co-op / condo buyers, sellers, boards and residents.

"L'Ecole" is French for "The School" — and the management of that East Side, Manhattan, condo is itself getting schooled by angry residents upset with a carcinogen there. A co-op board tries to oust a police dog that has to live with its cop partner, we've the latest tips on getting co-op loans and refinancing, and Jon Stewart takes on both the U.N. and co-op boards. But no worries if you're buying singer John Legend's newly up-for-sale apartment — it's a condo.

Read all the latest co-op / co-op news for buyers, sellers and board members in Habitat's weekly Monday News Roundup. Also included: Permanent archival links. If a link ever goes dead, you'll still be able to read the backup at


Co-op / Condo Buying, Selling, Living...

  • "Living Legend," on singer singer John Legend listing his East Village, Manhattan, condo for sale] by Jennifer Gould Keil (New York Post)

 Co-op / Condo Board Issues...


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