Co-op / Condo News: Hospital Hell, Rockaway Strike, Shabbos Elevators

... a hospital says no human architect could ever possibly design a light-and-view-blocking building addition in any other way, so its neighboring co-op is just out of luck. That will end well. Meanwhile, some formerly income-restricted co-ops go free-market at what should still be bargain prices; some co-ops have shabby elevators and some have Shabbos elevators; and just north of New York City, some condo owners complain of a bridge too far . . . into their territory. For condo and co-op boards, we've a settled strike and an air-rights primer.

Read all the latest co-op / condo news for buyers, sellers and board members in Habitat's weekly Monday News Roundup. Also included: Permanent archival links. If a link ever goes dead, you'll still be able to read the backup at


Co-op / Condo Buying, Selling, Living...

  • "It's a 'Hugue' Place," on the possible $100 million sale of late copper heiress Huguette Clark's three co-op apartments at 907 Fifth Ave., by Jennifer Gould Keil (New York Post)

Co-op / Condo Board Issues...


WebCitation archives:

Sloan-KetteringDamaged CondoSubwayVia VerdeShabbosTappan ZeeAccommodating / Roof RightsDouble-DigitHuguette ClarkRockawayAir Rights


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