Exclusive: The Amazing Spider-Man v. the Obnoxious Co-op Board President!

July 3, 2012 — Denis Leary was with me when we had an authentic New York moment across from the Hayden Planetarium. I was doing a short segment with him that was part of an online campaign we did. We had a permit.
So I have this camera guy and Denis is dressed as [his movie character] Police Captain George Stacy. And I'm asking him questions and he's talking about how he needs help, how the public has to help him to find Spider-Man.
A guy comes out of the building: sneakers, shorts, all sweaty, athletically obnoxious Wall Street type. Very New York. He's saying to me, "Why are you filming in front of my building? I'm the chairman of the board of this building!" It was a co-op on the Upper West Side.
I said, "What are you going to do, tell the captain of police to leave?" So then he introduces himself to the "captain of police"! And Denis and I are looking at each other: "OK, we're not going to touch him, right?" We didn't know if to laugh or to punch him. Let us finish this thing!
And this guy, when he realized, "Ohmigod, it's a captain of police," he gently moved to go clean his sweat off somewhere else.
He didn't know it was a movie. He thought we were doing a segment with the captain of police. "Why in front of our building?" It's, like, maybe it's an embezzler's building or something? I don't know. It was a silly moment. He thought Denis was a police captain. He was the one guy who didn't recognize Denis Leary!
[Ed. note: See the building and locale in the finished video below, starting at about the 1:02 mark]
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