CPR Training and Heart Defibrillators: Why Your Building Should Have Them

"If you ever have to use it once, it pays for itself."
So goes attorney Jacqueline Stein's assessment of the new breed of portable, automated heart defibrillators. A board member of the 228-unit York River House, on York Avenue in Manhattan's East 60s, she'd explained to her fellow directors how cardiac arrest kills nearly a half-million Americans each year before they can even reach a hospital. Chances of survival fall 10 percent each minute — and in a traffic-choked city, rescuers can take over 10 minutes to reach your building and then deal with intercoms and elevators or stairs before finding the patient. Having someone already on-site to initiate pulmonary resuscitation and administer defibrillation could mean the difference between life and death.
Once Stein shared her knowledge, the board went into action and had its manager, Ira M. Meister, president of Matthew Adam Properties, sign up the condo for a three-year package that included a small, battery-powered device called an automated external defibrillator (AED) plus certified CPR training.
"In this day and age," says Stein, "when you have all these technological advancements, and you actually have the ability to prevent sudden cardiac death, for goodness' sake, spend a few thousand dollars." Costs vary, depending on inclusions and contract span, from about $2,500 for a basic AED machine to up to $7,000 or more for a package deal that includes state paperwork submission, required medical prescriptions and training and refresher courses.
Meister says many boards have been reluctant to enter a public access defibrillation (PAD) program because of liability concerns in case something goes wrong. But, he points out, boards may not realize that federal and state Good Samaritan legislation can help provide immunity for properly trained rescuers. "It's a double-edged sword," adds Stein. "It's not a standard of care you are required to uphold. But, God forbid, something happens and you don't have one. Heaven forbid, somebody sues."
AEDs are no longer huge, paddle-laden machines that require a Ph.D. in blip reading. Today's portable defibrillators average less than one square foot, weigh about five pounds and actually talk the operator through the process from start to finish. Some even sense and apply needed shocks, so the operator does not need to push a button.
Something happens and
you don't have one. Heaven
forbid, somebody sues.
Such ease and portability helped convince Julien Studley, board president of the 325-unit co-op at 118 East 60th Street. He recalls that his fellow board members discussed the program for just 10 minutes before voting into it. "There don't appear to be any negatives," he says.
Still, an AED cannot just be purchased off the shelf. But a provider such as Medtronic, which Meister uses, offers a package that includes the machine and American Heart Association-approved training for up to five people. The company also secures the medical prescription needed to purchase the unit, completes required state forms, pays registration fees, provides refresher training and 24-hour support lines and conducts post-event follow-ups and maintenance.
"It's a life-saving thing," Meister says. "Why people don't go for it is beyond me."
Once a building is set up, experts suggest at least one and preferably two trained staff members be on duty at all times. The unit, housed in a wall cabinet, should be easily accessible in a public area. While chance of theft exists, the unit should not be locked. Instead, the wall cabinet is typically protected by an alarm.

Because the federal Cardiac Arrest Survival Act, which President Bill Clinton signed into law in 2000, requires proper CPR training to protect from liability, good training is essential. For example, Richmond says, staff members need to know that after five minutes of cardiac arrest, at least 90 seconds of CPR should first be administered before shocks are applied, so that he heart is more open to receiving them. And while the results of an American Heart Association study show PAD greatly enhances survival rates, the program is no substitute for professional medical care.
Meister, just one of several building managers convinced of PAD's effectiveness, expects today's uncertain environment to push its popularity. "It's the stress of living in New York these days," he says. "Once you've educated the buildings and they have a chance to see it and what it's all about, people want it."
"The bottom line is, most people do cardiac arrest in their home environments," adds Dr. Neal Richmond of the New York City Fire Department. "Ideally, the best thing to do is have a defibrillator very nearby."
Adapted from Habitat November 2004. For the complete article and more, join our Archive >>