As the Population Ages, Boards Need to Prepare for a Grayer Future

New York City


Feb. 5, 2016 — When more than 45 percent of the people in your community are over the age of 60, then you’re living in what social scientists call a “Naturally Occurring Retirement Community,” or NORC. Your building may not be there yet, but now is the time to start preparing for a future that will inevitably be grayer as the population ages. One strategy is for your board to partner with private organizations.

The most comprehensive solution to the problem of residents aging in buildings involves partnering with professionals, generally private organizations that specialize in community welfare.

The co-ops or condos usually donate some sort of unused space, say a basement room, to a third-party organization. The board pays a fee and the organization builds out the room and runs the programs, which can even include nurses and social workers. In addition to clubs and other recreational programs, services can include wellness screenings and individual counseling that offers assistance with benefits and entitlements.

How does a board interested in such a partnership begin?

Speak with the chief program officer at Jewish Association Serving the Aging, Amy Chalfy, and other expert staff members. Since each building is unique and the needs and preferences of the senior populations vary, an initial conversation with the board would be helpful. This might involve an on-site presentation about potential services and identifying strategies for conducting a needs/interests assessment.

You should know the number of residents aged 60 and older and what percentage of the building’s population this represents. The amount a board contributes is based on the level of staff time and type of service requested. For more information, call 212-273-5200.


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