New York Times "Discovers" Keyless Locks

Jan. 4, 2016 — The New York Times rang in the new year with a piece announcing the latest bit of technology to grace city-dwellers' homes: keyless locks!
Of course, this isn't actually news to many, particularly tech-savvy boards. And credit to the Gray Lady, the title of their New Year's Day article may be tongue-in-cheek, but the nod to current users of such technology is a mere afterthought. According to the piece, "While smart locks have been available to individual homeowners for a few years, developers and property management companies have been hesitant to lose the key, citing the cost of upgrading hundreds of locks and the risk of losing money if the technology goes the way of Betamax." Writer Michelle Higgins goes on to explain how these systems are implemented and where they'll be rolled out in the coming months. Who knows, maybe it'll catch on!