New Map Shows Neglect of Water Tank Inspections

May 31, 2018 — Investigation and interactive map reveal shocking lapses.
After its investigation revealed widespread neglect in the thousands of wooden tanks that supply drinking water to millions of New York City residents, City & State has produced an interactive map that tells a shocking story in vivid color.
Every red dot on the map indicates a water tank that has not been inspected for at least one year – even though revisions to the health and administrative codes mandate annual filings of inspections and bacteria testing. The ochre dots indicate that an uninspected water tank is “likely.” The investigation, which examined more than 13,000 water tank inspection reports, found that most building owners still do not inspect and clean their tanks as the law requires. There are still many thousands of water tanks across the city for which there is no information at all. The city can’t even say with certainty how many there are or where they are located, much less their condition, the investigation found.
The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, which is responsible for overseeing the water tanks, says the tanks are not a cause for concern. But scientists at the federal Environmental Protection Agency and public health experts consulted by City & State warned that animals can easily get into New York City’s water tanks, that mucky sediments inside the tanks may contain pathogens, and that poorly maintained water tanks could be the source of disease outbreaks.
The latest building-by-building inspection data is available through the city portal here.