Are Condos Heading to Old Factory By Williamsburg Bridge?

331-333 Kent Avenue, Williamsburg

Feb. 13, 2015 — Once upon a time there was a bakery at 331-333 Kent Avenue. When artist Cosimo Cavallaro bought the building, he had big plans for it. Brownstoner reports that, in 2004, Cavallaro wanted to convert the once bakery-then artist loft into an 11-story luxury condo called Punctilio. It was not to be, however. In 2012, the spacious building near the Williamsburg Bridge sold for $5,000,000. All we know about the new owner is that it's an LLC. And thanks to Brownstoner we also know that the mystery owner plans to develop a huge gallery space with apartments, most likely condos. "The first two floors will house a cafe, reception and art gallery over 7,805 square feet…. A two-story addition is [also] planned, which will house two duplex apartments with terraces over 4,663 square feet." The Department of Buildings (DOB) has reportedly given a thumbs down to the planned expansions. And we agree with Brownstoner, which praised the modernity of the new design, but added: "We think it would be even better if the original building were restored, arched brick windows and all."


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