Should I Overlook the Cat Litter Smell in the Hallway of the Building I Like?

Tips on Buying a NYC Apartment, New York City

Aug. 27, 2015We just looked at an apartment, and there was a smell of cat litter in the hallway. Do you think I should overlook this?

I do not think you should overlook this. Even though you love the apartment, it is better to be disappointed today than to be sorry later. It can be quite difficult to remove cat smells.

Questions need to be asked and actions followed up. Is the smell from cat litter, cat urine, or the cat? Is the owner of the cat cleaning the litter box on a regular basis? Has cat urine penetrated a wood floor that might require replacement? How long have the smells been there? Has anyone else in the building complained and what actions were taken by either the building staff, the property manager, and/or the board of the building?

Besides the cat smells, answers to these questions and the actions taken will also provide some insight into how the building is operated and how well residents take care of their apartments.

Jeffrey Stillman is vice president of Stillman Management.


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